Friday, January 22, 2010

Jonathan experiences Descrimination

Jonathan Escobar,16 an extraordinarily courageous adolescent prefers to dress in womens clothing. Escobar told his story on the Tyra show sporting his signature Geisha style black lipstick, black wig, nail polish and high heels.
Jonathan moved from Miami to North Cobb High school in Atlanta Georgia to live with his sister due to the fact that his parents no longer approved of his appearance. Before officially attending classes Escobar asked an administrator if it was acceptable if he was to wear a bright wig or heals, and was promptly given the okay. Within a matter of days his feminine attire began to be a "distraction" causing students to publicly voice their derogatory opinions. A fight broke out when a respectable student stood up for Escobar. After the fiasco the administrators informed Escobar that he can no longer dress in womens wear because it is in violation of their schools dress code policy. His story made the news and can be found on YouTube


1 comment:

  1. I think she looks cool very cool

