The biopic film "The Runaways" follows the '70s all girl rock bands rocky rise to fame. The legendary Joan Jett is being played by the Twilight sagas very own Kristen Stewart while the Runaways lead singer Cherie Currie is portrayed by the cruelest little vampire around, Dakota Fanning. We watch the bands struggle to break into the male dominated rock industry while being led by their abusive manager. So watch the Kristen and Dakota take the world by surprise without the fangs and check out "The Runaways" on March 19, 2010.
ModernVintageLife, the culture we live by is a blog is dedicated to providing you with your daily dose of pop culture, fascinating styles and all else in between. But MVL does this in an affordable fashion, unlike the items you seen in magazines that we can only dream about. Input and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
hey thanks for following my blog...
ReplyDeletevery nice blog hopefully goes well
despite the hyped actresses the movie could be good. I'll watch it.
ReplyDeleteCan't decide who to vote for on your poll! It's hard to choose between Kanye West and Speidi. They all annoy me!